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Upgrade to Turbo


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Upgrade to Turbo

Jazz At The Philharmonic (1944 - 1953) (10CD) (2009) FLAC

Автор: admin 21-07-2024, 09:28 Раздел: Музыка / Jazz Blues

Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название: Jazz At The Philharmonic (1944 - 1953) (10CD)
Дата релиза: 2009
Страна: DE
Лейбл: The Intense Media
Жанр: Swing, Bop, Vocal Jazz
Количество композиций: 72
Формат: FLAC (tracks, cover, cue, log)
Качество: Lossless
Продолжительность: 09:39:21
Размер: 1,94 GB (+3%)
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The Prestige Of Jazz - Milestones Of Legends (10CD Box Set) FLAC

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: The Prestige Of Jazz - Milestones Of Legends (10CD Box Set)
Дата релиза: 2021
Жанр музыки: Jazz, Bop, Soul-Jazz
Лейбл: Intense Media [600590]
Количество композиций: 114
Формат: FLAC (tracks, cover, cue, log)
Качество: Lossless
Продолжительность: 12:22:20
Размер: 3,77 GB (+3%)

- Original albums from one of the most important independent jazz labels of the 1950s.
- Including milestones by Miles Davis, John Coltrane, the Modern Jazz Quartet, Sonny Rollins, Gene Ammons, Sonny Stitt, Eric Dolphy, Eddie Lockjaw Davis, Thelonious Monk, Art Farmer, Donald Byrd and also swing greats like Coleman Hawkins and Arnett Cobb.
- This 10 CD wallet box follows the successful "Blue Notes" series and presents "Prestigious Hits": original albums and stars playing the best of modern jazz from the 1950s. Bob Weinstock, who started his own label in 1949, is hardly a household name today except among specialists, but his productions and artists are all the more so.

But in the mid-1950s (almost) all future stars were signed to him for a few years in their first creative heyday: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, the Modern Jazz Quartet, Sonny Rollins, Gene Ammons, Sonny Stitt, Eric Dolphy, Eddie Lockjaw Davis, Thelonious Monk, Art Farmer, Donald Byrd and also swing greats like Coleman Hawkins and Arnett Cobb. Here you will find a first selection of these all time classics and favorites, including some names that always remained relegated to the second row but still made important contributions to jazz history like Lem Winchester, Mal Waldron or Jackie McLean.

Rather amazingly, from today's perspective, Weinstock was able to produce so many masterpieces in so few years despite stiff competition with his small label structure. Even Miles Davis, who eventually defected to Columbia, recorded many albums for Weinstock. But even after the departure of many now big and sought-after names, Weinstock was able to successfully run his label on his own, concentrating on straight ahead and soul jazz (he always gave free jazz a wide berth) with musicians like Shirley Scott, Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis, Sonny Criss, Charles Earland, Jack McDuff and many others until 1971.
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Membran Music’s Jazz Ballads Series (20 x 2CD Boxset) FLAC

Автор: admin 28-02-2024, 09:14 Раздел: Музыка / Jazz Blues

Джазовые баллады - максимальное музыкальное выражение чувств. Набор компакт-дисков с самыми красивыми балладами в истории джаза. Лирические, творческие, чувственные и мелодичные жемчужины музыкального искусства. Именно для тех, кто сохранил вкус к непреходящим музыкальным ценностям. Джаз в его самой нежной форме. Неугомонный...

Jazz Ballads - the ultimate musical expression of feelings. A CD sets with the most beautiful ballads in the history of jazz. Lyrical, imaginative, sensuous and melodic jewels from the art of music. Precisely for those people who have maintained their taste for lasting musical values. Jazz in its most gentle form. Irrestible...

Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название: Membran Music’s Jazz Ballads Series (20 x 2CD Boxset)
Жанр: Jazz, Bop, Vocal
Дата релиза: 2004
Производитель: Germany, Hamburg
Количество композиций: 631
Формат: FLAC (tracks, cover, cue, log)
Качество: Lossless
Продолжительность: 41:03:24
Размер: 9,35 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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Progressions: 100 Years Of Jazz Guitar (4CD Box Set) FLAC

Автор: Lonewolf 14-02-2022, 12:16 Раздел: Музыка / Jazz Blues

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: Progressions: 100 Years Of Jazz Guitar
Year Of Release: 2005
Label (Catalog#): Columbia [C4K 86462]
Country: International
Genre: Jazz, Bop, Fusion, Modal, Post Bop, Dixieland, Ragtime, Swing
Quality: FLAC (*tracks)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 5:09:31
Full Size: 1.54 GB

This expansive four-disc anthology essentially covers the recorded history of the guitar in the 20th century, beginning with the ragtime banjo that set the table for the role of the guitar in a jazz setting in the early 1900s, and then touching all the bases clear through to the post-postmodern possibilities of the instrument in the 21st century. Don't let the subtitle throw you, though, because Progressions: 100 Years of Jazz Guitar interprets jazz guitar in the broadest of strokes, as it includes not only pantheon jazz players like Eddie Lang, Django Reinhardt, Charlie Christian, Les Paul, Wes Montgomery, and John McLaughlin but also provides an uncommon sweep by featuring Hawaiian stylists Roy Smeck and Sol Hoopii; Western swing aces Leon McAuliffe and Eldon Shamblin; country jazzman Hank Garland; rock virtuosos Jimi Hendrix, Carlos Santana, and Jeff Beck; fusion funksters Larry Carlton, Al DiMeola, and Mike Stein; and hard to classify avant-garde players like Derek Bailey, Sonny Sharrock, James Blood Ulmer, and Marc Ribot. In all, 78 guitarists from some 33 labels are represented. Arranged roughly by date of recording from first to last (there are some deviations to trace the development of a particular style), it is easy to follow the track listing for Progressions in the well-organized 148-page book that accompanies the discs, and what emerges is a portrayal of the massive influence the guitar has had on every form of popular music in the past century. One could quibble about players who were left out, and things are slightly tilted toward electric players as the set progresses, although that is probably understandable, since getting the guitar plugged in is what made it work in large ensembles in the first place. It's hard to argue with a piano, but a case could be made (and this set assembles ample evidence) that the electric guitar was the defining popular musical instrument of the 20th century, and certainly the dominant ensemble instrument for the last half of it. Progressions: 100 Years of Jazz Guitar suggests that the possibilities for the guitar are far from exhausted as the musical time line begins to edge deeper into the 21st century. A beautiful set.
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Hammond & Big Band (2021) FLAC

Давайте составим весенний джазовый коктейль из ингредиентов трёх знаков Зодиака. Огонь (стихия Огня) - бешеный напор ударных ритм-секций, буквально сбивающих с ног и будоражащих кровь. Вода (стихия Воды) - затейливое кружево мелодических узоров хаммонд-органа или саксофона, прерываемое пронзительными всплесками трубы, устремленными в заоблачные выси. Медь (стихия Металла) - плотные аккорды медной группы, бьющие прямо под дых и отправляющие в состояние грогги. Получаем: Огонь, Вода и Медные трубы! Теперь добавляем стихию Весны, стихию Цветов и хорошего настроения и на выходе имеем термоядерный гремучий продукт! Это и есть Биг Бэнд!

Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название: Hammond & Big Band
Дата релиза: 2021
Жанр: Jazz, Big-band, bop, brass-rock
Количество композиций: 25
Формат: FLAC (tracks, scans)
Качество: Lossless
Продолжительность: 02:09:03
Размер: 900 Mb (+3%)
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