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Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo


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Upgrade to Turbo


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Upgrade to Turbo

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Upgrade to Turbo

The Software Engineer's Guidebook: Navigating senior, tech lead, and staff engineer positions at tech companies and startups (2023) PDF

In my first few years as a developer I assumed that hard work was all I needed. Then I was passed over for a promotion and my manager couldn’t give me feedback on what areas to improve, so I could get to the senior engineer level. I was frustrated; even bitter: not as much about missing the promotion, but because of the lack of guidance.

By the time I became a manager, I was determined to support engineers reporting to me with the kind of feedback and support I wish I would have gotten years earlier. And I did. While my team tripled over the next two years, people became visibly better engineers, and this progression was clear from performance reviews and promotions.

This book is a summary of the advice I’ve given to software engineers over the years – and then some more.
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Adobe Creative 3D Workflows: A Designer’s Guide to Adobe Substance 3D and Adobe Creative Cloud Integration (2024) EPUB

"Adobe Creative 3D Workflows" brings a practical approach to understanding not only how to begin working with 3D assets but how each of the relevant Adobe apps interact through the creation and application of 3D materials, models, and effects across different workflows. Each topic begins with an overview grounding the approach alongside useful tools and then transitions to a tutorial-like approach with hands-on examples created through a specific set of workflows. From generating custom materials in Substance 3D Sampler, to producing 3D models from vector shapes using Illustrator while adding motion to these models in After Effects, to designing a variety of 3D environments across various platforms, this book provides a foundation of how to successfully work in the Creative Cloud and Substance 3D apps to produce stunning results.
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