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Upgrade to Turbo

Al Bano & Romina Power - 3 Albums (Box Set, 5CD) (1985-1997) FLAC

Автор: Lonewolf 5-01-2024, 20:29 Раздел: Музыка / Pop Dance

Исполнитель: Al Bano & Romina Power
Название: Al Bano & Romina Power - 3 Albums (Box Set, 5CD)
Дата релиза: 1985-1997
Страна: Italy
Жанр: Рор
Количество композиций: 61
Формат: FLAC (tracks, cue, scans)
Качество: Lossless
Продолжительность: 03:39:31
Размер: 1.51 Gb (+3%)
  • 100
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Popcorn Oldies: 50s & 60s Greatest Hits (3CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: Popcorn Oldies: 50s & 60s Greatest Hits (3CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2017
Label (Catalog#): Music & Melody [MUS 3108-2]
Genre: Vocal, Pop, Rhythm & Blues, Soul, Rock & Roll, Rockabilly, Easy Listening
Quality: FLAC (*tracks+.cue, log, scans)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 02:14:59
Full Size: 640 MB (+3%)
  • 100
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Pink Floyd - Fat Old Gigs (4CD Box Set) FLAC

Автор: Lonewolf 14-11-2023, 20:58 Раздел: Музыка / Рок

Artist: Pink Floyd
Title Of Album: Pink Floyd - Fat Old Gigs (4CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2002
Label (Catalog#): Columbia [6751-987-CD]
Country: England
Genre: Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock
Quality: FLAC (tracks,scans)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 04:37:32
Full Size: 1.23 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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The Black Bible (4CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: The Black Bible (4CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 1998
Label (Catalog#): Cleopatra [CLP-0387]
Country: International
Genre: Rock, EBM, Industrial, Goth Rock, Experimental
Quality: FLAC (*tracks,cue,log)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 04:29:21
Full Size: 1.69 GB (+3%)

A massive four-disc box that screams of industrial overkill as only Cleopatra Records can, Black Bible actually starts out quite well, with period classics from Bauhaus, Legendary Pink Dots, Ministry, Fields of the Nephilim, Tones on Tail and 1000 Homo DJs. By the second disc things go downhill, with newer tracks from Spahn Ranch, Big Electric Cat, Genitorturers and Electric Hellfire Club. That still leaves more than 30 tracks of middling-to-downright-obnoxious industrial music; the label even dredged up a Marilyn Manson track, a remix of "Transylvanian Concubine" by Rasputina.
  • 100
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The Beatles - Box Set (Original Recording Remastered Japan) (2009) FLAC

Автор: Lonewolf 12-11-2023, 08:52 Раздел: Музыка / Рок

Ремастированное издание stereo-box Beatles от компании Apple Records.

Исполнитель: The Beatles
Название: The Beatles - Box Set (Original Recording Remastered Japan)
Дата релиза: 2009
Жанр: Rock, rock'n'roll, pop-rock
Формат: FLAC (image+cue+log)
Качество: Lossless
Продолжительность: 10:19:50
Размер: 4.07 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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Foreigner - Original Album Series (5CD Box Set) FLAC

Исполнитель: Foreigner
Название: Foreigner - Original Album Series (5CD Box Set)
Дата релиза: 2009
Страна: USA
Жанр: Rock, Soft Rock
Количество композиций: 45
Формат: FLAC + Image + .cue
Качество: Lossless
Продолжительность: 03:21:07
Размер: 1.48 Gb (+3%)
  • 100
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Jascha Heifetz: The Original Jacket Collection (10 CD) (Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Jascha Heifetz
Title Of Album: Jascha Heifetz: The Original Jacket Collection (10 CD) (Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2008
Label (Catalog#): Sony Classics
Country: EU
Genre: Classical/Violin
Quality: FLAC (tracks+.cue)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 10:11:11
Full Size: 2.98 Gb (+3%)

This 10-disc set does not include everything violinist Jascha Heifetz ever recorded for RCA; that runs to 46 volumes. What it does include is most of Heifetz's RCA recordings of the standard concerto repertoire plus Bach's solo sonatas and partitas, as well as a pair of concert recordings. For listeners looking for more than a taste and less than a ton of the great Russian violinist's work, it will be enough. With his focused tone, sharp attacks, narrow vibrato, and blinding intensity, Heifetz delivers performances that were in their time the acme of violin virtuosity. Some complained then, and still complain now, that Heifetz's Brahms, Bruch, and Tchaikovsky are too cool for such hot-blooded romantics, that his Beethoven and Mozart are too calculated for such fresh and open-hearted classicists, and that his unaccompanied Bach sonatas are too outwardly dramatic for such inwardly spiritual works. But so polished is Heifetz's technique and so deep is his musicality that even those who complain of the violinist's interpretations cannot help but admire his consummate mastery of violin playing. Recorded for the most part in richly detailed stereo sound - the Korngold concerto and Waxman "Carmen" Fantasy are in richly detailed monaural sound - the performances here deserve to be heard by anyone who relishes great violin playing.
  • 100
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105 Disco Hits (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Автор: Lonewolf 29-09-2023, 14:42 Раздел: Музыка / Pop Dance

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: 105 Disco Hits (6CD Box Set)
Дата релиза: 2011
Лейбл: Sony Music
Жанр: Disco, Funk, Soul, Dance
Количество композиций: 105
Формат: FLAC (tracks +.cue,log)
Качество: Lossless
Продолжительность: 06:59:37
Размер: 2,8 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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Bad Boys Blue - Hit Collection (3CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Bad Boys Blue
Title Of Album: Bad Boys Blue - Hit Collection (3CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2006
Label (Catalog#): Eurotrend [CD 312.354]
Country: Germany
Genre: Euro Disco, Eurodance, Hi-NRG, Dance-Pop
Quality: FLAC (*tracks +.cue,log,scans)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 02:53:49
Full Size: 1.27 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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Shocking Blue - The Blue Box (13CD Box Set) Mp3

Автор: admin 19-08-2023, 09:37 Раздел: Музыка / Рок / Pop Dance

Исполнитель: Shocking Blue
Название: The Blue Box (13CD Box Set)
Лейбл: Red Bullet
Дата релиза: 2017
Жанр: Pop, Rock
Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 Кбит/с
Продолжительность: 08:55:22
Размер: 1.34 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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Best Violin 100 (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: Best Violin 100 (6CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2010
Label: Alliance/EMI Classics
Country: International
Genre: Classical Music, Instrumental
Quality: FLAC (tracks +.cue,log,scans)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 07:46:03
Full Size: 2.15 GB (+3%)

Выпускается серия Best 100, в которой виртуоз скрипки оказывается в центре внимания. Кьюнг-Ва Чунг, Фриц Крейслер, Сара Чанг, Рено Капукон, Августин Думай, Кристиан Феррас и Гидон Кремер - среди выдающихся игроков, с которыми вы столкнетесь, услышав более семи часов классики скрипки, всего 100! Компакт-диски разделены следующим образом: «Вивальди и итальянское барокко», «Бах и Моцарт», «Бетховен и Брамс», «Скрипка 19-го века», «Скрипка 20-го века» и «Вызов на бис и экспонаты». Еще один триумф (и удивительная ценность) от EMI Classics.

The Best 100 series rolls on, this one putting the violin virtuoso squarely in the spotlight. Kyung-Wha Chung, Fritz Kreisler, Sarah Chang, Renaud Capucon, Augustin Dumay, Christian Ferras and Gidon Kremer are among the prominent players you'll encounter as you hear more than seven hours of violin classics, 100 in all! The CDs are divided like so: "Vivaldi and the Italian Baroque," "Bach and Mozart," "Beethoven and Brahms," "The 19th Century Violin," "The 20th Century Violin" and "Encores and Showpieces." Another triumph (and amazing value) from EMI Classics.
  • 100
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100 Best Berliner Philharmoniker (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Berliner Philharmoniker
Title Of Album: 100 Best Berliner Philharmoniker (6CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2011
Label: Warner Classics/EMI
Country: International
Genre: Classical, Instrumental
Quality: FLAC (tracks +.cue,log)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 07:28:11
Full Size: 1.77 GB (+3%)

Первый компакт-диск из этого набора на 6 компакт-дисков посвящен нынешнему музыкальному руководителю Берлинской филармонии сэру Саймону Рэттлу и содержит отрывки из популярных произведений, таких как «Кармина Бурана» Орфа и «Планеты Холста», а также более содержательные произведения, такие как Пятая симфония Малера. и Первая симфония Шостаковича. Он также демонстрирует отрывки из знаменитой новой великолепной записи Rattle о знаменитом балете Чайковского «Щелкунчик». Диск 2 открывается примерами записей бывшего музыкального директора Клаудио Аббадо с этим великим оркестром, в том числе Концерт для флейты Моцарта № 2 с блестящим солистом Эммануэлем Пахудом. Далее следует группа произведений Герберта фон Караяна, в том числе Концерт Моцарта для флейты и арфы и Симфония Дворка «Новый Свет». Продолжая Караджан, на третьем компакт-диске представлен концерт популярных произведений, начиная с «Eine kleine Nachtmusik» Моцарта и заканчивая захватывающей прелюдией к акту III Вогнеровского лоэнгрина. CD 4 начинается с нескольких известных произведений, таких как первая часть живой «итальянской» симфонии Мендельсона и «Утро» из сюжета Грига «Peer Gynt», и все это под управлением приглашенных дирижеров, таких как Клаус Теннштедт, Джеффри Тейт и Лорин Маазель. Затем следуют некоторые впечатляющие отрывки из опер и хоровых произведений, включая мощную вступительную сцену Отелло Верди. На CD 5 представлены некоторые из величайших инструментальных солистов мира в ряде известных концертов. Скрипачи Найджел Кеннеди и Дэвид Ойстрах звучат в Бахе и Моцарте соответственно. Энн-Софи Муттер исполняет прекрасную «Митацию» из «Мазне», а Иегуди Менухин - в Брамсе. Великий виолончелист Мстислав Ростропович знакомит нас с «Дон Кихотом» Рихарда Штрауса, а выдающийся норвежский пианист Лейф Ове Андснес исполняет произведения Грига и Рахманинова.

Набор заканчивается коллекцией записей некоторых из легендарных дирижеров более раннего времени, начиная с первой части Пятой симфонии Бетховена, созданной в 1913 году Артуром Никишем. Есть несколько произведений любимого Рудольфа Кемпе, редкость загадочного Серджиу Целибидаче, который сделал лишь несколько коммерческих записей, и несколько признанных записей Вильгельма Фуртвинглера, который дважды занимал пост музыкального директора и был предшественником Герберта фон Караяна.

The first CD of this 6-CD set is devoted to the current Music Director of the Berlin Philharmonic, Sir Simon Rattle, and includes extracts from popular works like Orff's Carmina Burana and The Planets by Holst as well as more substantial works like Mahler's Fifth Symphony and Shostakovich's First Symphony. It also showcases extracts from Rattle's highly acclaimed superb new recording of Tchaikovsky's famous ballet The Nutcracker. CD 2 opens with examples of former Music Director Claudio Abbado's recordings with this great orchestra, including Mozart's Flute Concert No.2 with brilliant soloist Emmanuel Pahud. Following is a group of items conducted by Herbert von Karajan, including Mozart's Concerto for Flute & Harp and Dvor??k's `New World' Symphony. Continuing with Karajan, the third CD presents a concert of popular works ranging from Mozart's `Eine kleine Nachtmusik' to the spectacular Prelude to Act III of Wagner's Lohengrin. CD 4 begins with several well-known works such as the first movement of Mendelssohn's lively `Italian' Symphony and `Morning' from Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite, all under the batons of guest conductors like Klaus Tennstedt, Jeffrey Tate and Lorin Maazel. These are followed by some spectacular extracts from operas and choral works including the powerful opening scene of Verdi's Otello. CD 5 presents some of the world's greatest instrumental soloists in a range of famous concertos. Violinists Nigel Kennedy and David Oistrakh are heard in Bach and Mozart respectively. Anne-Sophie Mutter plays the beautiful `M?ditation' from Massenet's Tha?s and Yehudi Menuhin is heard in Brahms. The great cellist Mstislav Rostropovich gives us a taste of Richard Strauss's Don Quixote and the outstanding Norwegian pianist Leif Ove Andsnes performs works by Grieg and Rachmaninov.

The set ends with a collection of recordings by some of the legendary conductors of an earlier time, starting with the first movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony made in 1913 by Arthur Nikisch. There are several items by the much-loved Rudolf Kempe, a rarity by the enigmatic Sergiu Celibidache, who made only a handful of commercial recordings, and several of the acclaimed recordings by Wilhelm Furtw?ngler, who held the post of Music Director twice and was the predecessor of Herbert von Karajan.
  • 100
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100 Best Waltzes & Polkas (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: 100 Best Waltzes & Polkas (6CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2011
Label: Warner Classics
Country: International
Genre: Classical, Instrumental
Quality: FLAC (tracks)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 07:17:42
Full Size: 1.99 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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100 Best American Classics (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: 100 Best American Classics (6CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2012
Label: Warner Classics
Country: International
Genre: Classical, Instrumental
Quality: FLAC (tracks)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 07:50:53
Full Size: 1.89 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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100 Best Wiener Philharmoniker (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: 100 Best Wiener Philharmoniker (6CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2010
Label: Warner Classics/EMI
Country: International
Genre: Classical, Instrumental
Quality: FLAC (tracks)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 07:30:39
Full Size: 1.96 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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100 Best London Symphony Orchestra (6CD Remastered Box Set) FLAC

Этот набор из 6 дисков содержит 100 треков из каталогов EMI Records, EMI Classics и Virgin Classics. Эти записи Лондонского симфонического оркестра исполняются под управлением некоторых из величайших дирижеров мира и с участием ряда известных солистов. Эта коллекция охватывает записи, сделанные со времени появления стерео примерно в 1956 году, технологический прогресс, позволивший запечатлеть весь спектр и цвет оркестровых выступлений и точно воспроизвести их дома.

This 6- CD set contains 100 tracks from the catalogs of EMI Records, EMI Classics and Virgin Classics. These recordings by the London Symphony Orchestra are performed under some of the world s greatest conductors and with a number of famous soloists. This collection covers recordings made since the advent of stereo in around 1956, the technological advance that made it possible for the full range and color of orchestral performances to be captured on record and faithfully reproduced in the home.

Artist: London Symphony Orchestra
Title Of Album: 100 Best London Symphony Orchestra (6CD Remastered Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2013
Label (Catalog#): Warner Classics [50999 4 33232 2 7]
Country: UK
Genre: Classical, Instrumental
Quality: FLAC (*tracks,cue,log,scans)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 07:22:28
Full Size: 1.91 GB (+3%)
  • 100
Подробнее Комментарии (1) Просмотры: 1 706

100 Best Jazz (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Автор: Lonewolf 18-06-2023, 00:11 Раздел: Музыка / Jazz Blues

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: 100 Best Jazz (6CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2006
Label: EMI
Country: International
Genre: Jazz, Classic Jazz Vocals, Swing Classics, Latin Jazz, Relaxing Jazz, Jazz Ballads, Legends of Jazz
Quality: FLAC (tracks)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 06:34:10
Full Size: 2.06 GB (+3%)

После фантастического успеха серии Best 100; EMI теперь представляет Best Jazz 100 Jazz, отличный набор из 6 дисков. Джаз является воплощением крутого; это музыка бесконечного разнообразия и вечной привлекательности. Этот набор из 6 компакт-дисков BEST JAZZ 100 предлагает именно это! В этой коллекции представлены самые лучшие джазовые произведения разных эпох: от крутых свингов до жгучей латыни хриплый вокал для гладких баллад; от новых лиц на сцене до классических художников прошлых лет. С каждым диском, представляющим свой стиль: Classic Jazz Vocals; Swing Classics; Latin Jazz; Relaxing Jazz; Jazz Ballads и Legends of Jazz - здесь каждый найдет что-то для себя.

Following the fantastic success of the Best 100 series; EMI now present Best Jazz 100 Jazz, a great value 6 disc set. Jazz is the epitome of cool; it is a music of infinite variety and timeless appeal. This 6 CD set BEST JAZZ 100 offers just that! This collection features the very best in jazz across the ages: From cool swing to burning Latin; husky vocals to smooth ballads; from the new faces on the scene to the classic artists of yesteryear. With each CD representing a different style: Classic Jazz Vocals; Swing Classics; Latin Jazz; Relaxing Jazz; Jazz Ballads and Legends of Jazz there's something here for everyone.
  • 100
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100 Best Chamber Music (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: 100 Best Chamber Music (6CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2012
Label (Catalog#): EMI [9727772]
Country: International
Genre: Classical Music, Instrumental
Quality: FLAC (tracks)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 07:37:14
Full Size: 1.91 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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100 Best Sensual Classics (6CD Box Set) FLAC

Artist: Various Artists
Title Of Album: 100 Best Sensual Classics (6CD Box Set)
Year Of Release: 2013
Label: Warner Classics/EMI
Country: International
Genre: Classical, Instrumental
Quality: FLAC (tracks)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 07:15:28
Full Size: 1.85 GB (+3%)
  • 100
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Astor Piazzolla - Astor Piazzolla 1921-1992 (10CD Box Set) (2005) FLAC

Artist: Astor Piazzolla
Title Of Album: Astor Piazzolla 1921-1992
Year Of Release: 2005
Label (Catalog#): Documents / Membran Media [205554-321]
Country: Argentina
Genre: Tango, Latin jazz, Nuevo Tango, World Fusion
Quality: FLAC (*tracks+.cue,log,scans)
Bitrate: Lossless
Time: 09:20:14
Full Size: 2.93 GB (+3%)

The box set didn't come with a booklet, but it looks like about half of it (4 hours 54 minutes out of the total 9 hours and 20 minute run time) is made up of the following previously released material (much of which is otherwise out of print).

A 10 CD box of always interesting, often great, music by Piazzolla. Though recorded over different years, the sound quality, while not uniform, is always clear, and appears to be true stereo.

Since the net/blogsphere/trackersphere are a bit poor in Piazzolla’s work, maybe this will entice people to dig their albums from their chest and pay some homage to one of the greatest musicians from the 20th Century.

The place where the album was recorded and name of all musicians are clearly written on the back cover of each CD. It would take a long space to write every and each name of the recording places, performers and ensembles Piazzolla has recorded these albums. Not to mention that every and all information is on the back cover of each album included in this release.

Some may notice that the gap between tracks in some of the albums are constant at 2 seconds, a usual gap from home recorded CD albums. I don’t really know what (and how) Membran achieved to do that. The CDs are original retail and somehow and for an unknown reason for me they decided not to preserve the original gaps from the recorded master. I presume they’ve got the masters, ripped the audio and burned new CDs without worrying about the true gap of the original recordings. Unnecessary to say that this is a budget collection and they didn’t take the due care to make the best anthology they could concerning information. But the essencial info is there on the artwork.

I truly recommend that for those who have followed Piazzolla’s career and even for those who don’t know him. He was what we may call a really virtuoso and recreated and made a true revolution on Argentinean most popular and great music.
  • 100
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